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Who is Global Outreach International?
Global Outreach International is an interdenominational missions sending agency that partners with the church in the sending of cross-cultural missionaries. We are a US-based, 501(c)3. Our vision is to see the Good News go to every nation this generation, and our mission is showing and sharing God’s love. Meaning, our missionaries meet tangible needs in order to open the door to meet spiritual needs.
We began as Agricultural Missions Foundation in 1970 working in Ecuador and Latin America to plant churches through farming. In the mid to late 1970s, we changed to Global Outreach International to reflect the variety of methods for meeting needs around the world: medicine, education, theological training, orphan/vulnerable care, human development, community development, in addition to agriculture.
What makes Global Outreach different from other missions agencies?
Global Outreach empowers the missionary to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. So, the missionary has high-autonomy on the field to drive the strategy in accordance with how they see the Holy Spirit working.
In addition, Global Outreach has the 100% promise, which means 100% of what donors give to the missionary goes to the missionary, unlike many agencies who take anywhere from 15% to 28% of each dollar given.
With our missionaries, we are known as “a great missions family.” Since we don’t get any percentage of what a missionary fundraises, we don’t make decisions about their calling or their family based on money. We can be patient and kind to get them on the field in God’s timing and allow them to come home when God says its time. It’s more like family than a business.
When many agencies say no, we say “yes!” We believe God can and does use people of various backgrounds, ages, and life experiences to grow His kingdom around the world. We call this our “low-boundaries” approach, as we don’t want to stand in the way of someone’s calling, even if they don’t fit the “typical” missionary mold.
What is the 100% promise?
The 100% promise means 100% of what donors give to the missionary goes to the missionary, unlike many agencies who take anywhere from 15% to 28% of each dollar given.
We rely on donors like you to give directly to Global Outreach to support the work of all Global Outreach missionaries serving around the world.
What does Global Outreach do for the missionary family?
We desire for every missionary family to go prepared, stay effective, and return with dignity.To go prepared, the missionary needs world-class training to ensure they are ready for the rigors of living and serving cross-culturally. In addition, we provide top-notch fundraising training which helps the missionary communicate effectively with their family, friends, and churches, which results in having the prayer support and financial resources for the work God has called them to do. Global Outreach provides pre-field training for the whole family, regardless of age.
To stay effective, the missionary needs care from people who get what it is like to live and serve cross-culturally for the long-haul, and our staff has decades of field experience and pastoral care to offer our missionaries. And, we handle the financial back office support with donation processing, receipting, and money management, which means the missionary can focus on ministry and not administrative burdens stateside.
For many missionary families, the calling to international missions is for a season. And, we want to welcome them home as heroes with dignity. We work with the missionaries and their children to help them adapt to life in the United States (or their country of origin) and have a successful re-entry into their home country. Many missionaries say this process is harder than moving to the field. Also, we keep avenues open for the missionary to continue supporting the ministry they left behind.
What does Global Outreach do for the church?
We see the church as the real sender of the missionary. It’s our job to come alongside the church and equip her to do a good job of sending. We keep relationship with church leadership, offer missions training to the church body, and train a small team of church members to be the “Barnabas Team” for the missionaries they are sending.
We also help coordinate short term team experiences with churches. We provide discipleship resources to the church to help their mission trip participants be effective after they return. We believe these missions trips are part of a long-term discipleship process, leading to fruit long after the trip is done.
How is Global Outreach funded?
Donors like you! Many donors love seeing 100% of their gift go to the missionary they care so deeply about. Then, donors see how giving to Global Outreach provides even more care and support for their missionary, helping them be more effective and healthier on the field.
Who are the 100?
In 2021, our board and staff set a goal of 100 new missionaries per year going to the field, every year beginning in 2024. These are believers just like you who want to take their professional skills in education, medicine, agriculture, social work, or theological training and go to the field to show and share God’s love. Would you consider joining and being a part of the 100?
How do I become a missionary?
See our “GO Page” for information on internships and missionary service.
How do I go on a mission trip?
Typically, we partner with the church as one of the church members or leaders is organizing the mission team to go and work alongside one of our missionaries. We encourage you to ask your church what opportunities they have upcoming for a missions trip.
If you have experience going on missions trips and are looking for a connection with a missionary on the field, reach out to us at [email protected] so we can connect you with a missionary!
Does Global Outreach provide funding to ministries or missionaries?
Global Outreach is a platform and partner in fundraising. The missionary connects with us, trains with us, raises funds through the platform and systems we provide, and we get that funding to the field to be put to work for God’s Kingdom. We do not solicit and provide funds ourselves to any missionaries or missionary personnel.